how to add uncertainty in the plant ? and how to design controller for this ?

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Hello I have done code and simulink model of LQG controller with internal model , now i want to simulate it with uncertainty should i add uncertainty in the internal model or plant ?
my code is
**************% Plant *******
A = [0 1;-50 -10];
B = [0;1];
C = [20 0];
D = 0;
G = ss(A,B,C,D)
%******* Disturbance model or internal model ******
An = [0 8*pi; -8*pi 0];
Gn = [0;1];
Cn = [1000 0];
Dn = 0;
g1 = [0 1]';
z = ss(An,Gn,Cn,Dn)
%*********** Augmented system Plant + Disturbance model *********
Aaug = [A g1*Cn;zeros(2) An]
Baug = [B;zeros(2,1)];
Gaug = [zeros(2,1);Gn];
Caug = [C zeros(1,2)];
Daug = 0;
Saug = ss(Aaug,Baug,Caug,Daug)
% ****** controller gain********
QX = [1 0 0 0;0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0]
R = 10^-8
[Kc,S,E] = lqr(Aaug,Baug,QX,R)
%*****estimator gain *******
QW = 0.01;
QV = 0.01;
L= lqe(Aaug,Gaug,Caug,QW,QV)
my simulink model
upper part is disturbance model
mid part is plant model
thank you

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