accessing excel content nd writing d content one by one into imread instruction..

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fid=fopen('tun.xlsx','r'); [num,txt,raw] = xlsread('tun.xlsx'); fclose(fid); disp(txt); for i=1:20 A=txt(1:i); i=i+1; B=imread('A'); end basically i hav an excel file in that there are names given to 20 jpeg images, i am able to individually access each image name but i need to pass d name to imread nd perform d other processing...nd i am nt able to pass d name to imread on each induvidual iteration of i.. is der any other means of reading names nd passing dem to imread.. i gt an error as A is nt a file name in d image databse.


Iman Ansari
Iman Ansari 2013-5-1
Hi. You don't need to use fopen or fclose.
[~,txt,~] = xlsread('tun.xlsx');
for i=1:20

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