The code I wrote in the last ten hours has disappeared after closing MATLAB 2020b

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear Friends
I have MATLAB 2020b on my laptop, I started writing my code about ten hours ago, and after this time, by closing and opening the program once, I realized that all the files on the editor panel had returned to the state of ten hours ago and all the history of the program has been deleted for this period of time, while I have run and saved my file many times
Has anyone encountered this problem or is there a solution to it?
  5 个评论
Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-2-12
You have my sympathies!
We may not have thought of everything. I suggest that you Contact Support and see if they have any suggestions. Include the URL to this thread in your note, so that you don’t have to repeat everything and Technical Support knows what you’ve already attempted.


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