Heat Pump Integration into house demo model

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm new to simulink, I was wondering if you know how to implement a simple air-to-water (radiators) heat pump into the house demo as I couldn't understand how to by looking at the info already available.
thanks John

回答(1 个)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-5-8
A radiator works the same way a wall does. Use "convective heat transfer", "conductive heat transfer" and "thermal mass" blocks. Set the right parameters in each one. The radiator interchange energy within the house instead than with the outside world, as a wall does. Moreover, in the "house" model, the heater does just that. You could apply some changes to that block ( different transfer function....) and see if it works as you like. Also, you can add an extra "heater" subsystem and call it radiator and adapt it to your needs.


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