How can I increase my output frequency

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, For a school project I need to send out a series of pulses on a high frequency. The problem is that I need code to be executed between every pulse.
For now I found this code:
%Initialise digital channel s (output) and m (input) and array a
For i = 1:n
The problem with this method is that the signal only works whith a frequency of 38 Hz (the for loop is executed only 38 times a second). I need it to be at at least 1kHz.
Is there a way that I can speed up the code? Or is there a way that this can be done faster?
Thanks in advance.

回答(2 个)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-5-8
Sometimes it is not just a matter of coding, but the machine you use to perform the operation. Anyway, check out the following links, they might help:

CHAO Zheng
CHAO Zheng 2021-5-13
hi,have you solved this problem?The execution time of two lines of code has been more than 60 ms, and I am very painful.It is impossible to realize high frequency pulse.


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