Plot a graph for cubic equation

19 次查看(过去 30 天)
Grandhi Rohith
Grandhi Rohith 2021-2-20
回答: Pavel 2023-1-20
mx - (cx^2)/2- (1/3)*(kx^3) = (F/w^2)* (1-coswt)
You can try giving random values , i just need coding and plot
  3 个评论
Grandhi Rohith
Grandhi Rohith 2021-2-20
Actually , i am a fresher , and i dont have any idea on how to solve this , if R.H.S is zero i could have plotted it. So with R.H.S not equal to zero has 2 variables , so that is why i have no idea
Nikhil Sapre
Nikhil Sapre 2023-1-19
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回答(1 个)

Pavel 2023-1-20
The answer to your question can surely be found here.


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