Problems with uiputfile

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a GUI that opens .txt or .xls file and then processes the file. I would like to allow the user the ability to save the results to a .txt and/or .xls file and to select the destination folder. I use 'uigetfile' to open my files. It works great! I am able to open and read both file formats. I am trying to use 'uiputfile' to save the results. This is where I am having trouble. The window opens, I type in the new file name and click save... but the file doesn't save. I can understand this part... I assume it should work similarly to uigetfile. I tried using 'xlswrite' after 'uiputfile.' The file saves but to the wrong(current) directory. I am unsure how to mesh the two commands. Any ideas?
Should I add a new directory? If so, how do I select which directory the file will be saved to?
Can I add the new path name to the xlswrite code to select the destination of the file?
Any help is greatly appreciated... Thanks!
  1 个评论
Mihir Tasgaonkar
Mihir Tasgaonkar 2022-6-20
I'm developing a GUI that simulates a few systems and gives out graphs and values as results. I'm trying to generate a report at the end of the simulations with a "Save As" functionality.
[file,path]=uiputfile('*.*','Save As','Acceleration Test Results');
AccTestReport = Report(report,'pdf');
I tried doing this, but it doesn't save the PDF file anywhere. Any idea how I should proceed?



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-5-17
[filename, pathname] = uiputfile(...);
fullname = fullfile(pathname,filename);
xlswrite(fullname, YourData);
  1 个评论
Daniel 2011-5-19
Exactly what I was looking for... works great... Thank you!


更多回答(1 个)

mb1400 2013-6-24
编辑:Stefanie Schwarz 2022-5-5
Thank you for the suggestion. I managed like this
[stmfile, stmpath] = uigetfile('*.txt', 'pick text file');
data = importdata(fullfile(stmpath, stmfile), '%s');
for opening
[filename, pathname] = uiputfile('*.txt','Save file name');
for closing....


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