Where do i add a loadlibrary command in a class definition?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
i want to write a Matlab class file which implemtens functions provided by a library. This library contains functions which enable Matlab to read simulation results without the need to open the simulation software. So i want to create objects which contain the simulation results. My question is: Is it possible or does it even make sense to load the library in the class defintion? Where in the class defintion do i load the library?
Thanks for your help.
  3 个评论
Cedric 2013-5-13
I am not sure either that I fully understand .. do you want to "pass the library dynamically" to some method of objects instantiated from your new class so they can each use a different library?
Florian 2013-5-17
@Kaustubha Govind: You gave me a hint in the right direction I think. I didn't consider to load the library in the class contructor. Due to time issues I have to delay this project for a few weeks. At the moment I'm using a simple skript to load the library and access the simulation results.


回答(2 个)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-5-13
  1 个评论
Florian 2013-5-13
Right, I'm following an OOP approach. The question is, where to load the library, which contains the functions I want to use for in my methods?


David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-5-13
You do not have to load your libraries, your functions have to be saved as .m files in the working directory. Matlab looks for them automatically.


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