Removing uitable cell selection highlight

16 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a uitable that includes a checkboxes in column 1 and string-valued entries in column 2. Some of the entries may be "ghosted", which is faked by prepending HTML tags to change their font color to gray. A corresponding bitvector keeps track of the ghosted rows. Clicking in either column on a ghosted row is ignored, with an immediate return from the CellSelectionCallback routine.
This works OK except for one annoyance: When a ghosted string (column 2 of a ghosted row) is clicked, the blue cell selection highlight remains on after the return from the callback. A subsequent click in column 1 of the same row, will remove it, but that's not a good solution. Can anyone suggest a way to programmatically remove it ("deselect" the clicked cell)?
BTW, I just purchased Yair Altman's excellent book Undocumented Secrets of MATLAB-Java Programming, but this doesn't seem to be a covered topic.


Yair Altman
Yair Altman 2013-5-18
This is covered (briefly) at the bottom of page 169 of my book...
  3 个评论
telmo egues
telmo egues 2018-7-30
Hi, I've tried this solution and didn't work, how would you write the code of this?
Thanks in advance
Jim 2018-7-30
This works for me. It's inside the uitable's CellSelectionCallback:
if any(ghostRows == clickedRow)
myTable = src.Data;
temp = myTable;
temp(end) = {'DUMMY'};
src.Data = temp;
src.Data = myTable;
If I click on a ghosted row in the string-valued column, the focus highlight (dotted box around entry) still appears, but I find that much less objectionable than turning the entire cell background blue as happened before.


更多回答(2 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-5-14
You could try setting the uitable to 'enable' 'off', drawnow(), then 'enable' 'on' and drawnow()
  2 个评论
Jim 2013-5-15
Walter, Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately that doesn't work. I've also tried a plain drawnow() without toggling the enable property, and a figure() call. No joy so far. -Jim
Jim Hokanson
Jim Hokanson 2021-11-1
This accomplishes what I want, which is unlinking the keyboard from the cell. Now the up and down arrows don't navigate cells, which for my particular program was causing other problems. Note, you still have a visual indication of the cell being selected (gray box instead of blue), which in my case is OK. Ideally TMW would just provide a method to implement the actual desired feature! :/


Jonghoon Kim
Jonghoon Kim 2022-1-7
function [] = DeselectCellinUItable()
uif = uifigure();
uif.Units = 'normalized';
uif.Position = [0.10, 0.50, 0.80, 0.40];
uit = uitable(uif);
uit.Units = 'normalized';
uit.Position = [0.10, 0.50, 0.80, 0.40];
uit.Data = cell2table(num2cell(rand(10,7)));
uit.RowName = 'numbered';
uit.ColumnEditable = true;
uit.SelectionType = 'cell';
uit.Multiselect = 'off';
uit.SelectionChangedFcn = @(src,event) DeselectUItable;
function DeselectUItable
uit.Selection = [];


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