Error when using the same program on an other computer

13 次查看(过去 30 天)
I wrote this tiny program to structure a 3D matrix. It works fine when use one computer but when I want to use it on another I have this error :
Undefined function or variable 'parforstart'.
Error in ==> TestVecteur3DExcelMATLAB2 at 8
A1 = xlsread(filename, sheet, ilRange) % Recupere les valeurs d'excel
Error in ==> run at 57
evalin('caller', [s ';']);
Here is my program :
filename = 'test.xls';
sheet = 1;
ilRange = 'A1:A31';
A1 = xlsread(filename, sheet, ilRange)
for k = drange(1:3)
for j = drange(1:2)
for i = drange(1:5)
VECTR1(i,j,k)= A1(n);
Can anybody tell me what's wrong?
Thank you

回答(2 个)

C.J. Harris
C.J. Harris 2013-5-17
The 'parfor' functionality is part of the Parallel Processing Toolbox. I would assume that second computer doesn't have this toolbox installed. You can confirm this by using the 'ver' command from the MATLAB command window.

Clement 2013-5-17
Thank you! You are right. So, is there any way to run my program on the other computer?
  2 个评论
C.J. Harris
C.J. Harris 2013-5-17
No. You would have to install the necessary toolboxes on the second computer.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013-5-17
Or if you have the compiler maybe you can compile it into a standalone executable and run it that way.



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