how can i download Psychtoolbox?

83 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a Mac that is OS Big Sur Version 11.1. I have installed for the first time matlab in this computer and i have done these steps of download of psychtoolbox:
  1. Download the Psychtoolbox installer to your desktop.
  2. Open Octave or Matlab and type the following in the command window:
>> cd ~/Desktop
>> DownloadPsychtoolbox
after what i have to do?

回答(2 个)

nines 2021-3-5
make sure you are in the folder or have added the path of psychtoolbox!
All you have to do is put in DownloadPsychtoolbox, and it should run!
In order to use Psychtoolbox make sure it is added to your path.

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2021-3-5
The second command will take a long time and may generate a lot of output. Please be patient.
If the download fails, read below on Download Problems. If you want to know more, see DownloadPsychtoolbox (or help DownloadPsychtoolbox in the command window.)


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