Generate all possible patterns from an existent table

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Hello comunity,
ted learning matlab and I need your help to create a code that return all patterns using the data from a table. The dataset that I got from my test are like the following:
T =
[ 2 5 10 17 33
1 10 19 20 28
7 23 28 29 32
11 19 22 34 36
4 7 27 36 39
1 17 21 24 31
10 11 14 24 25]
The patterns should be based on variables of 5 numbers. Ex: P1= [1 2 3 4 5], P2 = [6 7 8 9 10] until 40. Applying it to the data from the table and using matlab the output to be something like:
P1, P1, P2, P4, P7
P1, P2, P4, P4, P6
P2, P5, P6, P6, P7
At the end, I should get another with a result of how many times each pattern occured. I can do all this using microsoft excel, however, whenever I got new data I have to do all over again because the new dataset maybe larger.
This how I was doing it:
%% Data extraction
Pick5 = readtable("Data_I.xlsx"); % Extract the excel file with all data
T = table2cell(Pick5) % convert the table to Cells
D1 = Pick5.Draw1; % Extract Column 1
D2 = Pick5.Draw2; % Extract Column 2
D3 = Pick5.Draw3; % Extract Column 3
D4 = Pick5.Draw4; % Extract Column 4
D5 = Pick5.Draw5; % Extract Column 5
Draw = [D1 D2 D3 D4 D5] %% Defining a new matrix using the previous (D's) Results
%% Pattern Generation (P-Pattern)
% Pat = sym('p', [1 8]); % create the pattern variables (ex: P1, P2 ...)
% pn = nchoosek([Pat],5); % create a symbolic matrix with the variables P1, P2 etc.
% Str = string(pn) % transfor the symbolic matrix to string
The thing is that this code works by first generaing all possible permutation which my cause me problem for situation where I have to run permutation of # over 11.
Thanks in advance


Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-3-7
I am not certain what you want as a result.
One possibility:
T = [ 2 5 10 17 33
1 10 19 20 28
7 23 28 29 32
11 19 22 34 36
4 7 27 36 39
1 17 21 24 31
10 11 14 24 25];
PL = [1:5:40; (5:5:40)+1E-12]; % Pattern Limits
for k = 1:numel(T)
[~,Pv(k,:)] = find((T(k)>=PL(1,:)) & (T(k)<PL(2,:)),1); % Pattern Assignments (Rows Of ‘PL’ Corresponding To Elements Of ‘T’)
Pmtx = reshape(Pv,size(T,1),[]) % Matrix Of Patterns Corresponding To T’
PatternSum = accumarray(Pv, 1);
PatternOut = [PL.' PatternSum] % Frequencies Of Elements Within Specific Limits
PatternOutTable = array2table(PatternOut, 'VariableNames',{'Low_Limit','High_Limit','Count'})
Pmtx =
1 1 2 4 7
1 2 4 4 6
2 5 6 6 7
3 4 5 7 8
1 2 6 8 8
1 4 5 5 7
2 3 3 5 5
PatternOutTable =
8×3 table
Low_Limit High_Limit Count
_________ __________ _____
1 5 5
6 10 5
11 15 3
16 20 5
21 25 6
26 30 4
31 35 4
Adapt those results to produce the output that you want.
  8 个评论
Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-3-8
As always, my pleasure!
Actually, that was left over from an earlier experiment using only a vector for ‘PL’, rather than the matrix.
This would also work:
PL = [1:5:40; (5:5:40)]; % Pattern Limits
for k = 1:numel(T)
[~,Pv(k,:)] = find((T(k)>=PL(1,:)) & (T(k)<=PL(2,:)),1); % Pattern Assignments (Rows Of ‘PL’ Corresponding To Elements Of ‘T’)


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