2D to 3D extrusion

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
Mohamed Alhajeri
Mohamed Alhajeri 2021-3-7
评论: darova 2021-3-9
After creating a polyshape from a set of input vertices (x,y) using the polyshape function, I need to extrude and plot the shape (with z value) such that it becomes 3D. Is there any available functions to do that? if not please help me in developing the next lines of code to do so.
The following is the simple way in which I wrote the starting lines of code upto creating a 2D polygon.
clc; clear;
[x y] = ginput(5);
hold on
p1 = polyshape(x,y)


darova 2021-3-8
Here is an example (not tested)
clc; clear;
[x y] = ginput(5);
z0 = 5;
patch(x,y,'r') % face wall
patch(x,y,x*0+z0,'r') % back wall
surface([x(:) x(:)],[y(:) y(:)],[x(:)*0 x(:)*0+z0],'facecolor','r')
  2 个评论
Mohamed Alhajeri
Mohamed Alhajeri 2021-3-9
Thanks for the help, I got the basic idea how to proceed in my code. One more thing, can we use boolean operations with surfaces like subtracting, union etc with two or more surfaces?
darova 2021-3-9
No, we can't there are no built-it function for this. BUt you can search at fileexchange


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