How can I load an m-file into an executable file made by using mcc?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have compiled my m-file functions and now I have an executable file. The main function requires the input m-file (case.m) and the name of output m-file. Since the input m-file structure includes several matrices, I use [cat1,cat2, cat3]=feval(case) inside my main function. Then: mcc -m mymainfunction
When I am running mymainfunction.exe in cmd, it pops out errors referring to the line where I used feval.

回答(2 个)

Harsheel 2013-5-30
You can make the case.m file a part of the executable using the -a flag. For example:
mcc -m mymainfunction -a case.m
Else you can use function DEPLOYTOOL and add the dependent case.m file under the 'Shared Resources and Helper Files' section.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013-5-30
Why use feval()? Why not just call case from your main function code? I don't see why feval() is necessary at all. Please explain why you think it is? It's quite possible for an m-file like case.m to return 3 output arguments just by calling it and not using feval(). I do it all the time.


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