Function e^x - e^-x / e^x + e^-x

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Hello, I need help with the function. Its task is to determine the values of the function at each point of the linear space and then draw this function using the plot function.
I have a problem already in the first point, I wanted to calculate the values using:
exp (x) -exp (-x) / exp (x) + exp (-x)
and gets error: Undefined function or variable 'x'. How should I solve this problem?


Matt J
Matt J 2021-3-10
编辑:Matt J 2021-3-10
For example,
  2 个评论
Thomas Kozinski
Thomas Kozinski 2021-3-10
so should I follow these instructions, it would be correct?
exp (x) -exp (-x) / exp (x) + exp (-x)
Matt J
Matt J 2021-3-10
编辑:Matt J 2021-3-10
It will not throw an error, but I do not know why you have added that 2nd line. The code I gave does exactly what you said you wanted.


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