Deploying vision.PeopleDetector into Raspberry PI as standalone device.

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I have read this documentation:
Section "Inputs Arguments" mentions:
-Input image - I have one.
-ROI - I don't use that.
- Classification model - I specified one.
However, when I try to deploy an algorithim into RPI the Matlab Coder returns this error: "The library method 'vision.internal.buildable.HOGDescriptorBuildable.updateBuildInfo' failed. Caused by: Not enough input arguments.".
vision.People.Detector is supported for code generation.
How can I deploy vision.People.Detector into RPI?
What am I doing wrong?
My code:
function raspi() %#codegen
mypi = raspi();
cam = cameraboard(mypi,'Resolution','640x480');
peopledetector = vision.PeopleDetector;
peopledetector.ClassificationModel = ('UprightPeople_128x64');
peopledetector.ClassificationThreshold = 1;
peopledetector.MinSize = [];
peopledetector.MaxSize = [];
peopledetector.ScaleFactor = 1.05;
peopledetector.WindowStride = [8 8];
peopledetector.MergeDetections = 1;
peopledetector.UseROI = 0;
for f = 1:500
I = snapshot(cam);
[bboxes,scores] = peopledetector(I);
if bboxes ~= 0
% Insert boxes into image
I = insertObjectAnnotation(I,'rectangle', bboxes, scores);
% Display image

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