voronoi structure in 3 dimensions

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi world,
but i don't understand how can i make this...
i have tried this code: clear all;close all;clc; X=[0 0 0;1 0 0;1 1 0;0 1 0;0 0 1;1 0 1;1 1 1;0 1 1]; [V,C] = voronoin(X,{'Qbb','QJ'}); K = convhulln(V,{'Qt','Pp'}); patch('faces', K, 'Vertices',V)
but i don't really understand...
can you
  2 个评论
Chris Argy
Chris Argy 2013-7-15
Its a bit more complicated than that. You need to bound the 3D Voronoi and that is done by reflecting the each surface and edge of the cube. Create some points inside your initial square in 2D. Reflect the points in respect to the square's edge. Finally you will have your initial points plus another 4 clusters around them. Then for all the points apply the command and that will bind the Voronoi.
Kalyan Bhattacharjee
Hi Chris,
For 3D Voronoi...could you please elaborate on how to take reflection point set about the edge. I am trying to accomplish the above simulation pic given by 21did21 there.


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