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Plot many DIFFERENT images in a loop after some processing

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I am working with a Matlab code where I want to run a loop. In each loop, I will do some processing and then show an image based on the processed data. When I go to the next loop, I want the previously stored image to be closed and generate a new image based on the latest data.
A sum up from my code is this :
for ww= 0.4:0.2:2.6
**********************image processing code*********************************
t1=1-ww*(dark_channel1/A); % part that connect ww with the image processing code
**********************image processing code*********************************
out = pic;
imshow (out)
What I expect is many different images depend on the "ww", but the output that I take looks like in each iteration each image sticks to the previous one.
I think that somehow I can’t separate the output (image), and after each iteration I don't reset my loop. As a result I display a new image but stack on the previous. It is like in each iteration the new image sticks to the previous.
Any suggestions??
Thank you in advance
  5 个评论
Tsitsos Dimitris
Tsitsos Dimitris 2021-3-18
thw previous was wrong. I thought that i deleted it. I am sorry I am going to delete it now
Rik 2021-3-18
Don't delete it, you received an answer. You should fix the issue there, not just post a new question.

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