Use element-wise operations on every applicable operation in ‘modelfun’ and transpose ‘modelfun’ to return a column vector, and it works:
TR =[0.422103409 0.42981426 0.437540563 0.445266867 0.45299317 0.460719473 0.468445777 0.47617208 0.483898384 0.491624687 0.499350991 0.507077294 0.514803597 0.522529901 0.530256204 0.537982508 0.545708811 0.553435115 0.561161418 0.568887721 0.576614025 0.592066632 0.607519238 0.622971845 0.638424452 0.653877059 0.669329666 0.684782273 0.70023488 0.715687486 0.731140093 0.7465927 0.762045307 0.777497914 0.792950521 0.808403128 0.823855734 0.839308341 0.854760948 0.870213555 0.885666162 0.901118769 0.916571376 0.932023982 0.947476589 0.962929196 0.978381803 0.99383441 0.99993819];
HFG =[2500.9 2489.1 2477.2 2465.3 2453.5 2441.7 2429.8 2417.9 2406.0 2394.0 2382.0 2369.8 2357.6 2345.4 2333.0 2320.6 2308.0 2295.3 2282.5 2269.5 2256.4 2229.7 2202.1 2173.7 2144.2 2113.7 2081.9 2048.8 2014.2 1977.9 1939.7 1899.7 1857.3 1812.7 1765.4 1715.1 1661.6 1604.4 1543.0 1476.7 1404.6 1325.7 1238.4 1140.1 1027.3 892.7 719.8 443.8 0.0];
modelfun = @(p,HFG) (exp(sqrt(p(1)+p(2).*(log(1./TR)).^0.1+p(3)./TR.^2+p(4)./TR.^3+p(5)./TR.^4))).';
beta0 = [0 53.63746882 0.01601773 0.031311254 0.071298912];
mdl = fitnlm(TR,HFG,modelfun,beta0)
mdl =
Nonlinear regression model:
y ~ F(p,HFG)
Estimated Coefficients:
Estimate SE tStat pValue
________ _______ _______ __________
b1 -5.3764 0.53639 -10.023 6.2155e-13
b2 80.604 1.2895 62.51 1.2803e-44
b3 -12.018 1.5173 -7.9205 5.2486e-10
b4 6.8052 1.0612 6.413 8.3294e-08
b5 -1.1397 0.2096 -5.4375 2.2468e-06
Number of observations: 49, Error degrees of freedom: 44
Root Mean Squared Error: 12.4
R-Squared: 1, Adjusted R-Squared 1
F-statistic vs. zero model: 2.6e+05, p-value = 3.84e-97