Convert [4,5] to D5 for excel write

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I have a loop that continuously generates data that gets written one at a time. Problem is that the cell that gets called is named as a spot in a matrix ie 4,5. In order to excel write i need to say D5.
Any ideas?


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-6-3
Convert to base 26, add 1 to each digit, and use the result to index 'A':'Z' to find the characters.

更多回答(2 个)

Meaghan 2013-6-3
Thanks! I got it to convert a letter, now I have the column and row as two different variables and need to combine them as one. Any further suggestions?

Iain 2013-6-3
coordinate = ['A'-1+wanted_col num2str(wanted_row)];
It only works for up to "Z".


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