I use matlab. I load a data(.dat) file and run my program on it and get results. I have 900 such data files and want to write a loop such that at the end I get results corresponding to all data files at once. Is there a way to do it?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Loading all the data files each at once and getting results corresponding to it is a time taking process and it needs lot of effort. So I want to use a loop for i=1:900 and write my program. for i=1 it should load 1st data(.dat) file and give me results after completing on this file,for i=2 it should load another data(.dat) file. It should carry on up to i=900. Is there a possibility? Also tell me a way to save workspace after every iteration. I have to get 900 work space files.
  1 个评论
RAJ KUMAR 2017-4-4
编辑:RAJ KUMAR 2017-4-4
%Name the files as filename1.dat, filename2.dat,...etc.
%then run the following code.
for i =1:numfile
argstr1=['load(filename' , int2str(i) , '.dat);'];



David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-6-5
To save workspace variables, use the command save. see "help save" for the details. To load the files in a loop, use a cell array to store the information of each file.
my_data = cell(900,1); % initialize the cell array
my_files = dir('*.dat'); % structure containing your *.dat files
for k=1:900
my_data{k} = load(my_files(k).name); % load .dat file recursively

更多回答(1 个)

Rongzhi Wei
Rongzhi Wei 2019-9-23
I have a problem of how to load a .dat file into matlab and run it by an external program, which has been solved by you.
the external program is a black box, a function simulator. I need to load the data file (.dat file) and run it by funcao.exe.
I only know use
system ('funcao.exe')
to call that program, but how to load that .dat file , and make this external program accept the data.
thank you!


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