how to smooth / refine edges ??

14 次查看(过去 30 天)
hello all, i have a final image as an output.. as a result of processing image edges got irregular... how can it be possible for me to smooth/refine just the edges not the complete image... actually i was trying to apply gaussian filter on it it smooths the entire image... P.S image type is RGB .. waiting for replies...


Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2013-6-6
编辑:Sean de Wolski 2013-6-6
Similar to what Paul is suggesting:
%Standard IPT Image
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
%Its edges
E = edge(I,'canny');
%Dilate the edges
Ed = imdilate(E,strel('disk',2));
%Filtered image
Ifilt = imfilter(I,fspecial('gaussian'));
%Use Ed as logical index into I to and replace with Ifilt
I(Ed) = Ifilt(Ed);
For an RGB image you may first have to repmat() Ed so that it exists in all three dimensions
Ed3 = repmat(Ed,[1 1 3]);
  4 个评论
waqas pervaiz
waqas pervaiz 2013-6-7
Thanks alot Sean, but i am getting the following errors:
*Error using iptcheckinput Function EDGE expected its first input, I, to be two-dimensional.
Error in edge>parse_inputs (line 547) iptcheckinput(I,{'numeric','logical'},{'nonsparse','2d'},mfilename,'I',1);
Error in edge (line 190) [a,method,thresh,sigma,thinning,H,kx,ky] = parse_inputs(varargin{:});
Error in ed (line 4) E = edge(I,'canny'); *
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2013-6-7
If you change the image to be three dimensional, you'll need to either extract a color plane from it or use rgb2gray
For example
Igray = rgb2gray(I);
Ired_channel = I(:,:,1);


更多回答(2 个)

Paul Kelly
Paul Kelly 2013-6-6
I've never tried this but I would probably approach it in the following way:
convert the image to grayscale RGB = imread(imageFile); I = rgb2gray(RGB);
binarise it (this will be quite tricky) or find another way to isolate the edge you are interested in. For example:
level = graythresh(I);
BW = im2bw(I,level);
find the edges of the binarised image:
edgeImage = edge(BW,'canny');
Then use morphological functions to broaden the edges to a reasonable size
Finally use the edge image as a mask for the smoothing operation

Pallawi Pallawi
Pallawi Pallawi 2017-9-21
Image 1 with the gray background was my input image and I removed the gray background with a white one! Now I need to refine the edges ,making it look smoother . I have tried ,gaussian and above suggestions but it does not works.can someone please help me!LOOKING FOR AN URGENT HELP.

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