Simpsons rule function error

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Ive attempted to code Simpsons Rule
and this my code
with x(1) and x(2) the lower and upper bounds. However for some reason with the following input "S = simpson_rule( @sin, [0,pi], 10 )" i get the same error saying the index exceeds the number of array elements. This problem seems to disappear when i remove f(x(2)) from my code in the final sum. Any suggestions would be great


the cyclist
the cyclist 2021-3-29
In this line of code:
you have set x to a scalar value, so when you try to access x(2) in this line of code:
that 2nd element does not exist.
  2 个评论
Oliver Wilson
Oliver Wilson 2021-3-29
Thank you very much but im a novice and unsure of how to fix this so any suggestions would be great
the cyclist
the cyclist 2021-3-29
My suggestion would be to comment your code, to state exactly what you intend it to be doing.
That will help other (and you!) understand what is supposed to be happening with the code, and perhaps understand why what you intend is not what the code is actually doing.


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