how to compute derivative
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having all the values in the above equation, is the below code correct for dE(t)/d(t) computation?
dEt = beta * (1 - sigma) * St * It - (mu + alpha) * Et
what do i need to do to compute dE(t)/d(t)
4 个评论
John D'Errico
What you have not said is explicitly WHAT you have.
What does it mean to have values?
is beta a fixed known constant? How about mu and alpha?
Is S known as a function, or do you have a list of points for S as a function of t?
Similarly for I(t). Is that known?
Is E(t) known, or are you trying to solve for E(t). That would make this a differential equation, if E is an unknown function.
Finally, do you have some sort of initial value for E(t) at some fixed value for t?
Only you know initial conditions. Imagine the situation: you are throwing the ball, initial conditions are velocity and angle. Only you know how you want to throw the ball
YOu should use for loop to get solution for all your values
for i = 1:size(SIE,1) % numer of rows
S = SIE(i,1);
I = SIE(i,2);
E = SIE(i,3);
[t,E] = ode45(@(t,E) myfunc(t,S,I,E),tspan,E);
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