Simulink Support Package for Raspberry Pi has a block for LSM9DS1 IMU sensor. However, this block belongs to the SenseHat group. So it acquires data from the sensehat board. SenseHat has this sensor working in SPI mode, see the SenseHat Schematics . (This IMU IC has I2C mode as well.) Is it possible to read this breakout board using the Simulink LSM9DS1 block? If so, how would the connection be? I have tried directly connecting the I2C pins to Raspi GPIO (SDA, SCL) but it didn't work. Breakout board was set to I2C mode. There are some jumpers on the PCB to set the board to SPI mode. These have to be cut in order to use it with SPI connection. I didn't want to cut the traces without knowing it will work or not. SenseHat schematics show that the interrupt pins of LSM9DS1 are connected to an ATtiny MCU. I could't find the realted part in the sensehat firmware. Therefore I don't know what to connect the interrupt pins of the Sparkfun breakout board.
Is there anyone who could read this breakout board using only simulink? An s-function would be a solution but it will take some time to implement the LSM9DS1 library to simulink. Any recommendations?