fminsearch vector of results

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Here's my model:
Given the model, my intention is to estimate γ having the values of C, and .
I tryed with the following code, but the program returns me only one value for γ while I need the vector containing every value produced in the loop.
How can I fix the code to get it?
j=1; %increment level. The loop will work for j>1 as well.
for i=1:j:steps;
fnc = @(gamma,C,Sum_I) C(i)./(1+gamma) - (gamma./(1+gamma)).*Sum_I(i); % Model function
rn = @(gamma) norm(I - fnc(gamma,C,Sum_I)); % Residual norm
gamma0 = [15]; % Inizializzazione
[gamma, ResNorm] = fminsearch(rn, gamma0);


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-4-7
steps = 5;
C = @cos;
Sum_I = @atan;
I = 42;
j=1; %increment level. The loop will work for j>1 as well.
for i=1:j:steps;
fnc = @(gamma,C,Sum_I) C(i)./(1+gamma) - (gamma./(1+gamma)).*Sum_I(i); % Model function
rn = @(gamma) norm(I - fnc(gamma,C,Sum_I)); % Residual norm
gamma0 = [15]; % Inizializzazione
[gamma(i), ResNorm(i)] = fminsearch(rn, gamma0);
gamma = 1×5
-0.9690 -0.9840 -0.9940 -0.9845 -0.9618

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