Combine rows and average contents in table

14 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a 17,700x4 table T with 4 columns containing the results of multiple tests. First column is the name of a test. There are 149 rows for each test. The fourth column contains 149 time points with values ranging from 0.085 seconds to 0.9 seconds for each test. The second and third columns are voltage values assessed at each time point. I have four time ranges ([0.085-0.125, 0.17-0.23, 0.27-0.45, 0.6-0.9) within which I want to average the voltage values for each named test.
Example of a few rows for one test 'MLD_CG_11_FCL' in current table
TEST V1 V2 Time
MLD_CG_11_FCL -0.68 -0.73 0.086
MLD_CG_11_FCL -0.98 -0.89 0.090
MLD_CG_11_FCL -1.22 -0.97 0.094
MLD_CG_11_FCL -1.37 -0.98 0.098
MLD_CG_11_FCL -1.41 -0.93 0.102
MLD_CG_11_FCL -1.33 -0.85 0.105
MLD_CG_11_FCL -1.16 -0.75 0.109
MLD_CG_11_FCL -0.93 -0.64 0.113
MLD_CG_11_FCL -0.66 -0.48 0.117
MLD_CG_11_FCL -0.39 -0.28 0.121
MLD_CG_11_FCL -0.14 -0.03 0.125
I'm looking to get this. Where V1 and V2 are now the average of the values within the time range thus collapsing the 149 rows per test into 4 rows per test.
TEST V1 V2 Time range
MLD_CG_11_FCL -0.93 -0.69 0.085-0.125
MLD_CG_11_FCL -0.50 -0.90 0.17-0.23
MLD_CG_11_FCL -1.28 -0.95 0.27-0.45
MLD_CG_11_FCL -1.40 -0.33 0.6-0.9
Can anyone advise how I do this?
  2 个评论
dpb 2021-4-7
编辑:dpb 2021-4-7
Be easier to illustrate with an actual data file covering the ranges, but discretize and findgroups along with rowfun will solve the problem -- if.
The IF on that solution is whether the time bins are indeed disjoint as given and there are data possibly between the group boundaries defined as given above.
If there are, one will have to calculate the range differently; to use discretize one would set the boundaries at the midpoint between the upper and lower boundaries for the middle ranges on the assurance there's not data in the cracks being included that shouldn't be.
MATLAB doesn't have a builtin function that handles disjoint bins altho I suppose one could create an additional bin between the regions above now that think about it.
Anyway, pick a subset of your table and attach it as a .mat file -- altho the whole thing is probably only a few MB???
DavidL88 2021-4-7
Thanks. I attach the table here. I removed times outside the ranges given above.



dpb 2021-4-8
% smoosh edges of disjoint regions to midpoints between...
edges=[0.085 0.125; 0.17 0.23; 0.27 0.45; 0.6 0.9];
e=edges.'; e=e(:);
e=[e(1) mean(reshape(e(2:end-1),2,[])) e(end)];
load voltage
Tfinish.TimeBin=discretize(Tfinish.Var4,e); % create the variable for grouping by time
tMeanByTest=rowfun(@(x,y)deal(mean(x,1),mean(y,1)),Tfinish, ...
'InputVariables',{'Var2','Var3'}, ...
'GroupingVariables',{'Test','TimeBin'}, ...
'SeparateInputs',1, ...
>> head(tMeanByTest)
ans =
8×5 table
Test TimeBin GroupCount MeanV2 MeanV3
____________________ _______ __________ _______ _______
CG_HGH_CG_LOW_11_CPL 1 11 0.91667 0.23436
CG_HGH_CG_LOW_11_CPL 2 15 2.1104 1.0282
CG_HGH_CG_LOW_11_CPL 3 46 4.5008 3.2523
CG_HGH_CG_LOW_11_CPL 4 77 2.7981 2.0317
CG_HGH_CG_LOW_11_CPR 1 11 0.54696 0.53518
CG_HGH_CG_LOW_11_CPR 2 15 1.6762 1.0518
CG_HGH_CG_LOW_11_CPR 3 46 2.4635 1.0401
CG_HGH_CG_LOW_11_CPR 4 77 1.4723 1.1045
You can turn the TimeBin variable to categorical with the bin names/ids you've outlined above for labels.
If the above approximation for the bin edges for discretize is not allowable, two ways to go at it--
  1. add extra edges for bins between those defined and then remove the unwanted bins, or
  2. use interp1 with a 'nearest' interpolation scheme to do the discretization process in which you can dump all those in the unwanted regions into one bin and remove it.
Or, of course, you can use explicit coding with case statement or if...elseif... construct.
  10 个评论
DavidL88 2021-4-8
That code worked thanks! It classified the results exactly as I wanted. I didn't know how to use a conditional based on two variables.
ERP is event-related potential from electroencephalography. I made a mistake in extracting the data for this table so POR/POL weren't included with other regions of interest. Sorry about that!
dpb 2021-4-9
We didn't have any ERPs in NucE, so thanks for explanation! :)
The above syntax/MATLAB coding idiom is use of "logical indexing"; a very powerful and important feature in MATLAB. Anywhere you can use a numeric indexing expression you can also use a logical one; the result will be to address those elements of the addressing expression containing TRUE and also recognize that one can use the NOT operator "~" to change the sense for things like


更多回答(2 个)

Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson 2021-4-7
I'm not sure how you're defining the time time ranges but here's some psuedo code that I thought about for the rest of the process.
1) Import data into table; readtable
2) Determine names of different tests; unique
3) Loop through each test; for with ismember to select relevant rows
4) Determine time ranges; Not sure if you want to use user inputs or what for this
5) Loop through each time range; for with ismember
6) Should now have specific dataset for test and time, do average; mean
7) Append test name, averages, and time (two columns to keep as numbers?) to output array.

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins 2022-3-3
In addition to dpb's solution that uses rowfun, here's a similar sol'n that uses varfun. The difference is that varfun works on one var at a time, while rowfun allows you to apply a function to multiple vars at once. So in that sense, rowfun is overkill here.
It looks like there are times that are exactly .125, but none that are exactly .23 or .45. That's what the wrangling of categories is all about.
>> load('Sample_table_voltage.mat')
>> Tfinish.Properties.VariableNames = ["Test" "V1" "V2" "Time"];
>> Tfinish.Test = categorical(Tfinish.Test);
>> Tfinish.Time = seconds(Tfinish.Time)
>> edges = seconds([0.085 0.125 0.17 0.23 0.27 0.45 0.6 0.9]);
>> catNames = ["0.085-0.125" "UpperEdge1" "0.17-0.23" "Discard1" "0.27-0.45" "Discard2" "0.6-0.9"];
>> Tfinish.TimeBin = discretize(Tfinish.Time,edges,'categorical',catNames);
>> Tfinish.TimeBin = mergecats(Tfinish.TimeBin,["0.085-0.125" "UpperEdge1"]);
>> Tfinish.TimeBin = removecats(Tfinish.TimeBin,["Discard1" "Discard2"])
Tfinish =
17731×5 table
Test V1 V2 Time TimeBin
_____________________ ________ _________ ____________ ___________
MLD_CG_11_FCL -0.67827 -0.73036 0.085938 sec 0.085-0.125
MLD_CG_11_FCL -0.9777 -0.89304 0.089844 sec 0.085-0.125
MLD_CG_11_FCL -1.2218 -0.97293 0.09375 sec 0.085-0.125
MOD_HGH_CG_HGH_22_CPL 1.2733 0.64462 0.89062 sec 0.6-0.9
MOD_HGH_CG_HGH_22_CPL 1.2546 0.62261 0.89453 sec 0.6-0.9
MOD_HGH_CG_HGH_22_CPL 1.192 0.59208 0.89844 sec 0.6-0.9
>> varfun(@mean,Tfinish,"GroupingVariables",["Test" "TimeBin"])
ans =
472×6 table
Test TimeBin GroupCount mean_V1 mean_V2 mean_Time
_____________________ ___________ __________ _________ _________ ___________
CG_HGH_CG_LOW_11_CPL 0.085-0.125 11 0.91667 0.23436 0.10547 sec
CG_HGH_CG_LOW_11_CPL 0.17-0.23 15 2.1104 1.0282 0.19922 sec
CG_HGH_CG_LOW_11_CPL 0.27-0.45 46 4.5008 3.2523 0.36133 sec
MOD_LOW_CG_LOW_22_FCR 0.17-0.23 15 1.3824 1.3781 0.19922 sec
MOD_LOW_CG_LOW_22_FCR 0.27-0.45 46 -0.38971 -0.025518 0.36133 sec
MOD_LOW_CG_LOW_22_FCR 0.6-0.9 77 -0.60483 -0.47444 0.75 sec


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