find the center point of color

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Let pixels of the image : 1x10
When I find the point of center, if basis color is white,
maybe the answer is (3,1) or (4,1), right?
then, how can I find the answer to use matlab?
similar to centroid, center of mass...
do you follow me? :'(
  2 个评论
David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-6-24
Could you please ask the question in a different way? It is not clear what you need to solve.
PJM 2013-6-24
I edit my question.
I can't speak english very well. please understand even if you can't understand me clearly.
I'm sorry.



David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-6-24
Try with the built-in function regionprops.
One of the properties returned by this function is the center of mass of each region within the image.It can return many others properties of the regions, see the help for all the possibilities:
help regionprops

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