Tic-tac-toe winner check

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I have designed a game of tic tac toe and am now trying to implement some way of displaying a winner for either player . I know there are multiple ways of going about this but am unsure of which route to take. Should I be using "if" statements of some kind ? And how should i be defining my X or O in that scope? I have put my code below.
%start of game file
TTCboard = zeros(3,3);% creates a 3x3 matrix of zeros
% for creating the standard tic-tac-toe board in blue and red
plot([0 3],[-1 -1], 'b','linewidth',1);% creates top horizontal line in board
hold on
plot([2 2],[0 -3], 'b','linewidth',1)% creates right-most vertical line
plot([3 3],[0 -3], 'r','linewidth',2)% boxes in right-most lines
plot([0 3],[-3 -3], 'r','linewidth',2)% boxes in the bottom-most lines
plot([0 3],[0 0], 'r','linewidth',2)% boxes in top -most lines
plot([0 3],[-2 -2], 'b','linewidth',1)% creates bottom horizontal line
plot([0 0],[0 -3], 'r','linewidth',2 ...
)% boxes in left-most lines
plot([1 1],[0 -3], 'b','linewidth',1)% creates left-most vertical line
title('welcome to tic-tac-toe! Good Luck!');% creates title above the game
axis off % keeps the X & y-axis off, creating a better looking natural board
hold off% ensures later commands are added to existing board
xticks([0 1 2 3]); yticks([0 1 2 3]);
xticklabels([]); yticklabels([]);
player = 'X'; % designates the first player as X
while true % when it is player x's turn, the following holds true
fprintf('%s click to place an X\n', player); % creates X in the cell clicked on
[x, y] = ginput(1);
x = floor(x)+0.5 ;
y = floor(y)+0.5;
while TTCboard(x+0.5,-(y-0.5)) ~= 0
disp('Please pick an open square')% when more than one X or O attempts to be entered in the same space, the message will appear in command window prompting the player to try again
[x, y] = ginput(1);
x = floor(x)+0.5;
y = floor(y)+0.5;
text(x,y,player, 'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'FontSize',24);% gives specific parameters to the X on the board and centers it in the clicked on cell
TTCboard(x+0.5,-(y-0.5)) = 1;
xticks([0 1 2 3]); yticks([0 1 2 3]);
xticklabels([]); yticklabels([]);
player2 = 'O'; % Designates the 2nd players turn after player 1
while true %for when it is player 2's turn, the following holds true
fprintf('%s click to place an O \n', player2);% instructs the player to put down their O in one of the available cells
[x, y] = ginput(1);
x = floor(x)+0.5;
y = floor(y)+0.5;
while TTCboard(x+0.5,-(y-0.5)) ~= 0
disp('Please pick an open square')% when more than one X or O attempts to be entered in the same space, the message will appear in command window.
[x, y] = ginput(1);
x = floor(x)+0.5;
y = floor(y)+0.5;
text(x,y,player2, 'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'FontSize',24);% specifies the style and size of the O used in the game and centers it
TTCboard(x+0.5,-(y-0.5)) = 2;% assigns a value to the O cell
%end of game file


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-4-16
xmask = TTCboard == 1;
if all(xmask,1) || all(xmask,2) || all(diag(xmask)) || TEST_FOR_THE_OTHER_DIAGONAL
x wins
  5 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-4-16
That would be because you have not defined TEST_FOR_THE_OTHER_DIAGONAL which is obviously a placeholder in the code I posted that you are intended to rewrite into code that tests the anti-diagonal.
Also, when a player wins, you need to leave the overall for loop.
Nathan Ross
Nathan Ross 2021-4-16
Oh yes of course. My apologies . I have not had much experience with mask functions . I will see where I can go from here. Thank you for your help.


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