Multiple griddata calls into a single one (same grid)

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm using griddata to regrid points (xpoint, ypoint, pointval) into a regular grid (xgrid, ygrid). I used to do this in 2D as follows:
x = linspace(-1,1,200);
y = linspace(200,600,200);
[xgrid,ygrid] = meshgrid(x,y);
gridded = griddata(xpoint,ypoint,pointval,xgrid,ygrid,'v4');
But now I have expanded my analysis and I have different sets of points. All have the same (xpoint,ypoint) coordinates but different pointval. The straight way of doing this would be:
gridded = arrayfun(@(nn)griddata(xpoint,ypoint,pointval(:,nn),xgrid,ygrid,'v4'),1:npoints,'uniformoutput',false)
However this is effectively similar to a for loop and takes some time. Do you think there is a smarter way of calling griddata only once?

回答(3 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-4-16
The arrayfun function is significantly slower than an explicit loop, at least in my experience.
I would just do something like this:
for nn = 1:npoints
gridded{k} = griddata(xpoint,ypoint,pointval(:,nn),xgrid,ygrid,'v4');
I am sure there are applications where arrayfun is useful (perhaps with small arrays in anonymous functions), however llikely not here.
Also, the original arguments were (xpoint,xpoint). I changed them here to (xpoint,ypoint) since that also appears, so check that to be certain it is correct.
  4 个评论
Albert 2021-4-16
No problem, maybe it depends on the type of operation inside
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2021-4-16
IMO arrayfun is always slower than for-loop. It is just more visible when the unitary loop operation is fast. Here the interpolation is not fast so using arrayfun or for-loop doesn't matter speedwise.


Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2021-4-16
If you are ready to trade 'v4' method for something else, you can use scatteredInterpolant
% example of fake data
x = -3 + 6*rand(50,1);
y = -3 + 6*rand(50,1);
v = sin(x).^4 .* cos(y);
pointval = v + (0:10);
% fake grid
[xgrid,ygrid] = meshgrid(-3:0.1:3);
F = scatteredInterpolant(x,y,pointval(:,1));
F.Method = 'natural';
nv = size(pointval,2);
gridded = zeros([size(xgrid),nv]);
for k=1:size(pointval,2)
F.Values = pointval(:,k);
gridded(:,:,k) = F(xgrid,ygrid);
  1 个评论
Albert 2021-4-16
I always had the impression that v4 performed best but takes more time. I can also use the former griddata function with the 'cubic' method and that's superfast too. Thanks!


Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2021-4-16
For nearest/linear/cubic method you can build the matrix, followed up from this thread
The output is simply matrix x vector of values, so you can multiply by many input vectors in one shot.


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