Take part of pcolor

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm working on a project for my university. I have a file NC with lat, long and the data for each point. The plot covers all Europe but i want to display only part of Italy. I just find on internet the boundary of my region. How can i do to plot only the part that i want.
Thanks all
  3 个评论
Giacomo Abrardo
Giacomo Abrardo 2021-4-17
Yes the boundary is from a Shape File. I speak with my university prof and he suggest poly2mask but looking on internet i think inpolygon is better. i don't know which is better of if there is some function better
Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson 2021-4-18
From the information given inpolygon seems to be the function to use. poly2mask are a similar enough function but seems to be tailored to return a mask for pixels in image.



Shubham Khatri
Shubham Khatri 2021-4-23
To my understanding you can use inpolygon. You can also compare both the functions from there codes.
For more information you can visit the documentation link for inpolygon and poly2mask.
Hope it helps

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