DC Motor Drive thru Serial port using MATLAB

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to drive a Rhino DC Motor drive with serial port communication using MATLAB. I am able to detect/open the hardware connected with serial com port. But unable to drive motor due to unknown commands to send data using MATLAB thru serial port which hardware could understand. Please help me in solving this problem.

回答(1 个)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-8-28
The commands to send through the serial port to control your DC motor shoud be in the motor data-sheet. Every piece of hardware is different, and the manufacturer usually specifies the control commands in the product data-sheet. A serial pan-tilt for a camera is control with different commands than a serial to PWM device. Even two different serial to PWM devices could have a different set of commands to work with.


更多回答在  Power Electronics Control


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