Fix dynamically named variables

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am working with data from another program that dynamically names table variables. This needs to be corrected to make my script work.
Currently Vartable.Properties.VariableNames=
{'VarA_f01_01/01/2021'} {'VarB_f01_01/01/2021'} {'VarC_f01_01/01/2021'}
I would like this to look like
{'VarA'} {'VarB'} {'VarC'}
Is there a way to do this for multiple variable names without a bunch of if contains statements?
The variable names are in a standardized format but the numbers dates and letters will change. Sometimes certain variables will not be present and only VarA and VarC may be in the table which further complicates things.
Any help is appriciated.
  2 个评论
Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller 2021-5-3
It's hard to tell from these examples what the full range of "before" and "after" variable might be. For the names shown, for example, it would be sufficient to rename each variable with the part of its original name preceding the first underscore. Would that always work?
Ryan Rose
Ryan Rose 2021-5-4
It should I just dont know how to do it for lots of variables.



Matt J
Matt J 2021-5-4
编辑:Matt J 2021-5-4
Vartable.Properties.VariableNames=extractBefore( Vartable.Properties.VariableNames, '_');

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