HOw to divide an Image into sub images?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello all,
I would like to construct an empty image size of 256x256 and divide into 16 sub images.can anyone suggest me how to divide into 16 sub images? Thanks in advance


Matt J
Matt J 2013-7-16
编辑:Matt J 2013-7-16
Using MAT2TILES (Available Here)
subImages = mat2tiles(Image_256x256,[64,64]);
>> mat2tiles(rand(256),[64,64])
ans =
[64x64 double] [64x64 double] [64x64 double] [64x64 double]
[64x64 double] [64x64 double] [64x64 double] [64x64 double]
[64x64 double] [64x64 double] [64x64 double] [64x64 double]
[64x64 double] [64x64 double] [64x64 double] [64x64 double]

更多回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013-7-16


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