use of the below statements....

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
can any one explain me about this statements? net=newsom(minmax(P),[64 2]); Q=double(reshape(Q,64,1));


Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) 2013-7-16
Matlab comes with great help
help newsom
help minmax
help double
help reshape
  1 个评论
Iain 2013-7-16
instead of help, you can use doc. - Its a bit prettier. help and doc don't always contain all of the same info.


更多回答(1 个)

Matt J
Matt J 2013-7-16
reshapes Q into a 64x1 vector and converts it to double floating point type.
  4 个评论
uday 2013-7-16
i dont know this is my code...... load data.mat %Declare training data P=[r h b bd]; %Create SOM neural network %(64 minimum points and 64 maximum points) net=newsom(minmax(P),[64 2]); %Train SOM neural network for 1000 epochs net.trainParam.epochs=100; net=train(net,P); %Plot SOM layer weights x=net.iw{1,1},net.layers{1}.distances; figure, plot(dist(x),'o'); title('SOM Layer Weights'); xlabel('Layer Weights'); ylabel('Magnitude'); %Plot SOM weight vectors figure, plotsom(net.iw{1,1},net.layers{1}.distances) sx=sim(net,P); [l,m]=size(sx); for u=1:1:m sm(u)=find(sx(:,u)); end %Load input face image Q=imread('hulk6.jpg'); Q=double(reshape(Q,64,1));
Matt J
Matt J 2013-7-16
I can't read the code since you haven't used "{} Code" formatting tool.



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