Plot data from a table that has years in the rows and months in the columns

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I have a dataset in an xlsx file that contains values of Oceanic Nino Index for each month between 1950 and present. The way it's arranged in this file is the years (1950-2021) are in the rows, and the 12 months are in the columns (treat DJF as January, JFM as February, etc.). So each cell of the table has a value for a given month in a given year. See the attachment.
I am trying to make a plot in MATLAB Online where the Oceanic Nino Index is on the y axis and the date (each month of each year) is on the x axis (something like this), but I'm not sure how to plot this when my table is formatted the way it is. Is there a method for making plots when your data is formatted like this, or alternatively is there a method to easily reformat the table to make it easier to plot (i.e. having only two columns, one with year & month and the other with the Oceanic Nino Index value)? Thank you so much.


Scott MacKenzie
Scott MacKenzie 2021-5-5
编辑:Scott MacKenzie 2021-5-7
Here's an alternative approach that gives a flattened 2D view plus red and blue fills for + and - portions of the graph, as per the example:
T = readtable('');
yr = T.Year;
y = table2array(T(:,2:end));
y = mean(y,2);
x = 1:size(y);
n = 1000; % interpolate to get smoother +/- transitions
x9 = linspace(1,length(x),n);
y9 = interp1(x,y,x9);
indexPos = y9 .* (y9 >= 0);
indexNeg = y9 .* (y9 <= 0);
area(x9, indexPos, 'facecolor', 'r');
hold on;
area(x9, indexNeg, 'facecolor', 'b');
ax = gca;
ax.XLim = [1 size(yr,1)];
ax.XTick = 1:5:size(yr);
ax.XTickLabels = yr([1:5:size(yr)]);
ax.XLabel.String = 'Year';
ax.XLabel.FontSize = 12;
ax.YLabel.String = 'Oceanic Nino Index';
ax.YLabel.FontSize = 12;
f = gcf;
f.Color = 'w';
f.Units = 'normalized';
f.Position = [.1 .2 .8 .6];
  4 个评论
Scott MacKenzie
Scott MacKenzie 2021-5-7
Maren: Just to let you know, I made a slight change to the code in my solution. I'm now using the area function instead of fill. This approach is simpler. The output is exactly the same, however.


更多回答(2 个)

Eric Sofen
Eric Sofen 2021-5-7
Here's another way to tackle this, sticking with using table to contain your data.
t = readtable('NOAA_CPC_OceanicNinoIndex.xlsx');
% rename the month varnames. just remember that the month represents the
% middle of the 3-month period
t.Properties.VariableNames(2:end) = string(1:12);
% Use stack to go from a "wide" table to a tall time series.
t = stack(t,2:width(t),"NewDataVariableName","Index","IndexVariableName","Month");
t.Time = datetime(t.Year,double(string(t.Month)),ones(size(t.Year)));
ylabel("ENSO Index")
% If you wanted to shift to the start of the 3 month period, do
t.Time = t.Time-calmonths(1);
I do like Scott's flying carpet plot as well.

Scott MacKenzie
Scott MacKenzie 2021-5-5
编辑:Scott MacKenzie 2021-5-5
This might be a reasonable start:
T = readtable('');
yr = T.Year;
z = table2array(T(:,2:end));
y = 1:size(z,1);
x = 1:size(z,2);
yr = flip(yr); % oldest to newest
z = flip(z,1);
ax = gca;
ax.ZLim = [-3 3];
ax.XLabel.String = 'Month';
ax.XLabel.FontSize = 12;
ax.YLabel.String = 'Year';
ax.YLabel.FontSize = 12;
ax.ZLabel.String = 'Oceanic Nino Index';
ax.XTick = 1:12;
ax.XTickLabels = { 'Jan' 'Feb' 'Mar' 'Apr' 'May' 'Jun' 'Jul' 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct' 'Nov' 'Dec'};
ax.YTick = 1:5:size(yr);
ax.YTickLabels = yr([1:5:size(yr)]);
ax.ZTick = -3:3;
f = gcf;
f.Color = 'w';
f.Units = 'normalized'
f.Position = [.1 .5 .8 .4];
grid on;
Rotated showing a view like in your example:


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