how to create a second column of static values in a matrix

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basically i have a single column vector A of doubles. I want to add an entire column to the right of this vector with a string that is the same for all values.
Something like this:
A = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7];
I want to add a column to A in order to create B below
B =
1 &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp 'test'
2 &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp 'test'
3 &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp 'test'
4 &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp 'test'
5 &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp 'test'
6 &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp 'test'
7 &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp 'test'
The column of 'test' is what i wish to add


Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2011-5-26
B = [num2cell(A),repmat({'test'},size(A))]

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