i wanted to crop the car plate region that i want.but there is some problem when i am using the regionprop.The error msg is like "??? Attempt to call constructor rectangle with incorrect letter case."somebody pls help.

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I1 = imread('test_pic.jpg'); %which test pic is my profile pic I=rgb2gray(I1); figure,imshow(I),title('Synthetic Image')
BW=im2bw(I); figure,imshow(BW),title('Binary Image')
s = regionprops(BW, I, {'Centroid','WeightedCentroid'});
imshow(I) title('Weighted (red) and Unweighted (blue) Centroid Locations'); hold on numObj = numel(s); for k = 1 : numObj plot(s(k).WeightedCentroid(1), s(k).WeightedCentroid(2), 'r*'); plot(s(k).Centroid(1), s(k).Centroid(2), 'bo'); end hold off
s = regionprops(BW, I, {'Centroid','PixelValues','BoundingBox'}); imshow(I); title('Standard Deviation of Regions'); hold on for k = 1 : numObj s(k).StandardDeviation = std(double(s(k).PixelValues)); text(s(k).Centroid(1),s(k).Centroid(2), ... sprintf('%2.1f', s(k).StandardDeviation), ... 'EdgeColor','b','Color','r'); end hold off
figure bar(1:numObj,[s.StandardDeviation]); xlabel('Region Label Number'); ylabel('Standard Deviation');
sStd = [s.StandardDeviation]; lowStd = find(sStd >50);
imshow(I); title('Objects Having Standard Deviation > 50'); hold on; for k = 1 : length(lowStd) rectangle('Position', s(lowStd(k)).BoundingBox, ... 'EdgeColor','y'); end hold off;

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