CCDF plot of PAPR problem

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Osman 2013-7-25
Hi guys,
here is my code for PAPR reduction using cross antenna rotation and inversion I think that everything is ok, but the after running it the CCDF is not plotted and no error messages I'm getting!!!! any help will be appreciated. thank you
clc; clear all for q=1:100000 nbits = 128; nsamples = 1; x = random_binary(nbits,nsamples)+ i*random_binary(nbits,nsamples); y=x'; for tq = 1:2:length(y) y1(tq)=y(tq); y1(tq+1)=-conj(y(tq+1)); y2(tq)=y(tq+1); y2(tq+1)=conj(y(tq)); end k=128; M=4; t=k/M; for N=1:M i=1; j=1; papr1(i) = OFDM_PAPR(y1); papr2(i) = OFDM_PAPR(y2); papr3(q)=(papr1(1)+papr2(1))/2; i=i+1; s1=y1;s2=y2; wa=s1((N-1)*t+1:N*t); s1((N-1)*t+1:N*t)=s2((N-1)*t+1:N*t); s2((N-1)*t+1:N*t)=wa; papr1(i)= OFDM_PAPR(s1); papr2(i) = OFDM_PAPR(s2); i=i+1; j=j+1; s1=y1;s2=y2; s1((N-1)*t+1:N*t)=-s1((N-1)*t+1:N*t); s2((N-1)*t+1:N*t)=-s2((N-1)*t+1:N*t); papr1(i) = OFDM_PAPR(s1); papr2(i) = OFDM_PAPR(s2); i=i+1; s1=y1;s2=y2; wa=s1((N-1)*t+1:N*t); s1((N-1)*t+1:N*t)=-s2((N-1)*t+1:N*t); s2((N-1)*t+1:N*t)=-wa; papr1(i)= OFDM_CCDF(s1); papr2(i) = OFDM_CCDF(s2); avae=max(papr1,papr2); [xcc,dl]=min(avae); PAPR(N,:)=[papr1(dl) papr2(dl)]; end avaer=(PAPR(:,1)+PAPR(:,2))/2; avaer=avaer'; [xc,dll]=min(avaer); PAPRo(q,:)=[PAPR(dll,1) PAPR(dll,2)]; PAPRoo(q)=(PAPR(dll,1)+PAPR(dll,2))/2; end %%%%%%%%%%% CCDF For CARI Signal%%%%%%%%%%%% th1=[]; pp12=[]; for papr0=3:0.5:14 nu=0; for j=1:length(PAPRoo) if PAPRoo(j)>=papr0 nu=nu+1; end end nu=nu; th3=nu/length(PAPRoo); th1=[th1 th3]; dB=10*log10(papr0); pp12=[pp12 dB]; end semilogy(pp12 ,th1 ,'o--m','LineWidth',2.5) hold on %%%%%%% CCDF For Original Signal (Simulation)%%%%%% th=[]; for papr0=3:0.5:14 pg=0; for j=1:length(papr3) if papr3(j)>=papr0 pg=pg+1; end end th4=pg/length(papr3); th=[th th4]; end semilogy(pp12 ,th ,'>--g','LineWidth',2.5) hold on %%%%%%%% CCDF For Original Signal (Analysis)%%%%%%%%%% ccdf1=[]; for papr0=3:0.5:14 ccdf2 =1-(1-exp(-papr0))^k; ccdf1=[ccdf1 ccdf2]; end semilogy(pp12 ,ccdf1 ,'s--b','LineWidth',2.5), grid; hold on xlabel('PAPR0(dB)') ylabel('Pr(PAPR>PAPR0)') legend('CCDF SS-CARI','CCDF Simulation','CCDF analysis')
and these are the functions I'm calling in the program.
PAPR calculations:
function [PAPR]= OFDM_PAPR(y) k=128; AA1=y(1:k); L=4; %%%%%%%%%% Oversampling (Zero padding) A1=zeros(k*L,1); A1(1:k) = [AA1(1:k).']; %%%%%%%%%% Zero padding %%%%%%%%% Signal OFDM %%%%%%%%%% a1=L*sqrt(k).*ifft(A1,k*L); y=a1-mean(real(a1)); h=y'; xd = real(h); xq = imag(h); w=sqrt(xd.^2+xq.^2); aqq=w.^2; ava = sum(aqq)/length(aqq); PAPR= max(aqq)/ava; end
CCDF calculations:
function [PAPR_dB] = OFDM_CCDF(x) % PAPR dB PAPR[dB], AvgP dB Average power[dB] % PeakP dB Maximum power[dB] Nx= length(x); xI= real(x); xQ= imag(x); Power= xI.*xI + xQ.*xQ; AvgP= sum(Power)/Nx; AvgP_dB= 10*log10(AvgP); PeakP= max(Power); PeakP_dB= 10*log10(PeakP); PAPR_dB= 10*log10(PeakP/AvgP);

回答(3 个)

mallavarapu hema saikumar
编辑:mallavarapu hema saikumar 2018-3-15
semilogy(time,output) use this to pot the output because the x axis is in dB so we use semilogy to plot it

Kirankumar Humse
Kirankumar Humse 2024-3-7
Kindly suggest the novel way of reducing papr

Kirankumar Humse
Kirankumar Humse 2024-3-7
Kindly suggest the novel way of reducing papr in ofdm


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