lsqcurvefit of a summation function where the parameter to evaluate is the last index of the summation (so an integer)
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Hi, I'm doing the fit of a function substantially similar to this one: f(x)= sum ( exp(1i * x * jz * c) ) , where: - sum represent the summation over the index jz - x is the variable, - jz = 1,2,...,nz where nz is a parameter to find using the fit, - c is another parameter. The complete function is the product of several series of this type.
In the curve fitting tool I can't enter a summation neither using symsum nor using an iteration. Moreover I can't use nz as a parameter.
Any idea?
Many thanks, Gianluca
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Oleg Komarov
lsqcurvefit is already MIN oof the SUM of euclidean distances of x from y. So, you don't have to use inlcude a sum in your handle and 1:x(2) but:
fh = @(x,xdata) exp(1i.*x(1).*xdata.*x(2)) .* conj(exp(1i.*x(1).*xdata.*x(2)));
4 个评论
Oleg Komarov
I am not sure that you are supplying your problem in the required form, i.e. in lsqcurvefit you can supply a zero ydata and you'll end up with the min wrt nz of SUM{f(.)^2} where the fcn handle is cast in the form I supplied in the body.
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Arnaud Miege
I'm not sure this is something that can be done with the Curve Fitting Toolbox. I think a better approach would be to use the Optimization Toolbox with one of the Least Squares (Curve Fitting) functions, such as lsqcurvefit.
gianluca messina
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Oleg Komarov
Please post the code snippet you're using (preferably editing this question) and the whole error message. Additional info about the size of your inputs would be beneficial.
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