How do I create a string for a plot title from one fixed string and one I get from INPUT?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a problem in plot's titles. I do the following:
name = input('plot''s title');
This is perfectly OK and it gives the name that is already input as a title, but I want to have a title in which one part is always fix and the other part is the name that I can change it each time. For example I would like to have titles like this:


Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege 2011-5-27
name1 = input('Plot's title part 1','s');
name2 = input('Plot's title part 2','s');
t = 0:0.01:10;
y = sin(t);
title([name1 '_' name2],'Interpreter', 'none')
set(gcf,'Name',[name1 '_' name2]);
  2 个评论
M G 2011-5-27
Thanks a lot Arnaud; this is what I want. One thins that I didn't understand is the 6th line (title([name1 '_' name2],'Interpreter', 'none')). What does it do? Cause even if it is removed the program still works appropriately!
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege 2011-5-27
set(gca,'Name',...) sets the name of the figure window, not the title of the plot. title(...) puts a title on the actual plot. The 'Interpreter' property is for the TeX intepreter so that it doesn't think the '_' means a subscript. Have a look at the doc for title:


更多回答(1 个)

Ben Mitch
Ben Mitch 2011-5-27
In addition to what Arnaud suggests, I also sometimes find it useful to keep a bit of name in the plot and change only the second bit when you update it. For example, use
set(gcf, 'Name', ['My Application: My Document']);
to set the title initially, then update the 'document name' (or whatever) using something like this:
name = get(gcf, 'Name');
set(gcf, 'Name', [name(1:find(name == ':')+1) 'My New Document']);


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