impoint and updating the coordinates

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Pani 2013-7-26
I've created a gui, and there's a part where the user should be able to choose 2 pixel on the loaded image and then the program runs another function with the coordinates of those 2 pixels. I did it with ginput but now now I want to do it with impoint and I want also that the program updates the coordinates when the user changes those points. I just started to use Matlab, I would really appreciate if someone helps me.
x,y] = ginput(2)
handles.X = x;
handles.Y = y;
[Xpath Ypath] = catetherPathFast((1-VessN).*im2double(I),y,x); axes(handles.ShowImage);
hold on
hold off

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