Matlab Function Block reading erroneous values

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, I have the following problem with this block.
The code it's very simple:
function y = fcn(u,p) %#codegen
persistent f if isempty(f) f = 0; end
if p>90 f=1; y=0; else y=0; end
if f==1
if p>60
if p<60
It has to wait until input (p) value is 90 to start doing the second if (where whatch that the value is higer than 60 or not.
p input is connected with a pressure sensor that starts from 60bar. The problem is that if I stop the simulation at the begining, p=148 or a higger value, and then it receives other aleatory values. Only if I wait to a long simulation, it starts (at 400seconds) to receives the true values that I can see on a scope.
I will be very grateful with any possible solution, thanks

回答(1 个)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-8-1
f changes value when p>90 and y=0 whatever happens to p, then, you go through a nested condition:
if f==1
if p>60
if p<60
but p>90.the second nested condition never applies.
Your function looks a bit incoherent. You should revise it carefully (sometimes a pen and paper approach helps a lot in following what your code will do).


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