Creating transfer function with a variable gain "k"

43 次查看(过去 30 天)
Let's say we have a variable gain "k" in series with H(s)=(s*0.5-1)/(s*(s+1)^2), how may I get the complete transfer function with the variable K in matlab out of this? I don't want to use simulink.

回答(4 个)

Robert 2016-10-1
This problem was never really solved and now i have the same one. How do you handle this? You create a transfer function with tf function but it does not allow for adding gain?
Makes no sense to me

Yamac Tan
Yamac Tan 2020-4-16
编辑:Yamac Tan 2020-4-16
I have the same problem right now but I cannot find an exact solution. I have a closed loop negative feedback model with the static gain as "K" on the upper branch. I need to show "Input/Output = Transfer Function" with the variable "K". Still makes no sense.
  2 个评论
Paul Kroemer
Paul Kroemer 2020-10-29
I have the same Problem right now, so i wanted to ask if you found a solution for it? Thanks for your help.


Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva 2011-5-30
sys=K*H(s) %replace H(s) with your transfer function
sys(1) is your system with gain K=1 and so on until sys(10) -> K=10
you can also use functions like the step
step(sys) %this will plot your system response to a step for each gain K
  5 个评论
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva 2011-5-30
If you have the symbolic toolbox take a look at this
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva 2011-5-30
For your example
syms K s


Prajith S A
Prajith S A 2022-8-22
s = tf('s'); % Assign variable s, as variable of the transfer function
sys = (s+1)/(sˆ2+2*s+1)
s = zpk('s');
sys = (s+1)/(sˆ2+2*s+1) % Returns transfer function in factored form


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