Converting 2 symbolic expressions into a function handle

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have to solve 2 symbolic expressions num1 = 0 & num2 = 0.
For this , i have given the code like the following ::
syms p q ;
num1 = 3* p^3 + 4*p*q + 5* p^2 + 1; num2 = 4* p^5 + 9*p^3*q + 2* p*q^2 + 2;
fh = matlabFunction(num1, num2)
[x] = fsolve( fh, [1,2] )
When i execute this code, i am getting the following error .
" ??? Input argument "q" is undefined.
Error in ==>
sym.matlabFunction>makeFhandle/@(p,q)deal (p.*q.*4.0+p.^2.*5.0+p.^3.*3.0+1.0,p.*q.^2.*2.0+p.^3.*q.*9.0+p.^5.*4.0+2.0)
Error in ==> fsolve at 248
fuser = feval(funfcn{3},x,varargin{:});
Caused by:
Failure in initial user-supplied objective function evaluation. FSOLVE cannot continue. "
I tried a lot to rectify this error. But, could not get any thing. Please help me if anyone knows how to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance.


Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2013-8-13
syms p q;
num1 = 3* p^3 + 4*p*q + 5* p^2 + 1;
num2 = 4* p^5 + 9*p^3*q + 2* p*q^2 + 2;
f = matlabFunction([num1;num2],'vars',{[p,q]});
out = fsolve(f,[1,2]);
  1 个评论
kalpana 2013-8-13
Thank you very much 'Andrei Bobrov' for your answer. I executed the code which you have given. It is working.
Again, Thanks a lot to you. ---Kalpana


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