How can I tweet regularly with ThingSpeak?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have an Arduino project which collect sound data and send data to the ThingSpeak channel. I want to tweet with POSTMAN. When I click SEND button it works, however I have to create a regular tweeting function. For example, it should tweet the sound value every 2 hours. How can I do this, is there any KEY to complete this task?

回答(1 个)

Vinod 2021-6-8
Twitter has limits that prevent you from tweeting the same message repeatedly. The key to using ThingTweet is to tweet a unique message, easily accomplished by including a timestamp in the Tweet.
  4 个评论
Burcu Arslan
Burcu Arslan 2021-6-8
Thanks for your reply! Is there a way to add the last read value from the channel to the tweet on React?
Vinod 2021-6-9
You will need to use MATLAB, not just the React with a ThingTweet. Use the webread function in MATLAB to make the POST request to the ThingTweet API.
If you have trouble, please post what you have tried so I can guide you to the solution.



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