Why is there a difference in the number of Objectives in Design Error for MATLAB R2019b and R2020b?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Using the same model, Design Error was performed for two versions of MATLAB, R2019b and R2020b. The total number of Objectives for both version is the same but the numbers per section are different. See below results:
Number of Objectives: 79
Objectives Valid: 57
Objectives Falsified - Needs Simulation: 16
Objectives Undecided Due to Nonlinearities: 1
Objectives Undecided: 4
Objectives Valid under Approximation: 1
Number of Objectives:79
Objectives Valid:57
Objectives Falsified - Needs Simulation:5
Objectives Undecided Due to Nonlinearities:1
Objectives Undecided:16
Both version have the same settings set except for the added settings in the R2020b but the default value were set.
Is there any reason why the difference in the two versions happened?

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