Laplace equation with mixed boundary condition

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am solving the Laplace equation with a mixed boundary condition on a rectangular area (Lx,Ly) and using this function "applyBoundaryCondition" for implementing the Neumann boundary condition.
I have the analytical solution and I know that the solution should only depend on Lx/Ly not values of Lx,Ly itself.
But the solution depends on the specific value of Lx, Ly
Any idea of why this happens?

回答(1 个)

Nipun 2024-5-16
Hi Mohammad,
I understand that you are trying to solve the Laplace equation with a mixed boundary condition on a rectangular area defined by dimensions (L_x) and (L_y). You are using the applyBoundaryCondition function for implementing the Neumann boundary condition on your model. Despite expecting the solution to depend only on the ratio (L_x/L_y), you find that it varies with the specific values of (L_x) and (L_y). This issue could stem from several factors related to the setup of your numerical model or the implementation of boundary conditions.
To address this issue, ensure the following:
  • Your mesh is sufficiently refined and uniform to accurately capture the solution's features across different domain sizes.
  • The function @g1 used in the Neumann boundary condition is correctly scaled to reflect changes in (L_x) and (L_y).
  • Solver settings are optimized for the problem scale and complexity.
Here is a concise approach to refine your mesh and check the implementation of your boundary condition in MATLAB:
% Assuming 'model_bulk1' is your PDE model
% Refine the mesh
generateMesh(model_bulk1, 'Hmax', min(Lx, Ly)/20); % Adjust 'Hmax' as needed
% Apply Neumann boundary condition with correct scaling in '@g1'
applyBoundaryCondition(model_bulk1, 'neumann', 'Edge', 2, 'g', @g1, 'q', 0);
% Ensure @g1 function is correctly scaled for Lx and Ly
function flux = g1(region, state)
% Example implementation, adjust according to your problem
flux = someScalingFunction(region.x, region.y); % Adjust this function
% Solve the PDE
result = solvepde(model_bulk1);
% Post-processing and visualization (as needed)
Ensure that someScalingFunction in the g1 function is appropriately defined to reflect the dependency on (L_x/Ly) rather than their absolute values. Additionally, review solver settings to ensure they are suitable for the scale of your problem, adjusting tolerance and iteration limits as necessary.
Hope this helps.


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