Replace numbers in a matrix

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Here is my code below. I have created a randon 2*x4 matrix. I have replace the first row with 1:4. and the third colume with 10:11. so my question is how do i replace the 4th colume with 2 and 5? or something like 9 and 8, without using the colon operator..
mat = randi([1,10],2,4)
mat(1,:) = 1:4
mat(:,3) = 10:11


Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2021-6-16
Create your vector of numbers using square brackets, and assign it to column 4 the same way you did for the 3rd column.
Hint: 10:11 is the same as [10 11]
See Chs 4 and 5 of MATLAB Onramp.

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