Show video in App designers

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I read a lot of answer how to show video in App designer. I want to show it in UI Figure not popup a new figure.
Would you mind have a look to my code and give me some suggestions ?
% Callbacks that handle component events
methods (Access = private)
% Image clicked function: Image
function ImageClicked(app, event)
vidObj = VideoReader('testvideo.mp4');
vidObj.CurrentTime = 0;
while hasFrame(vidObj)
vidFrame = readFrame(vidObj);
image(vidFrame, "Visible","on")
%imshow(vidFrame, "Parent",ax);
Thank you very much.


Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami 2021-6-25
Do you need to get the frames of the video for some reason. If not I propose you use uihtml to display the video instead.
The example on how to do this is available in the uihtml documentations here.
  2 个评论
Le Dinh Minh Nhat
Le Dinh Minh Nhat 2021-6-25
Thank you for your suggestion. I just want to show the video in figure. I will try to use uihtml and reply you later
Fahad Halawani
Fahad Halawani 2022-5-22
Was this possible? I am finding difficulty implementing this to my app


更多回答(1 个)

evaydh 2022-6-27
Try using uiimage to play video and timer to control video playback. Don't worry. Mainstream computer configurations are sufficient.


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